根据第二段“Since this video game was made for ADHD kids, the tasks teach players to concentrate effectively and switch between tasks, which is typically challenging for people with ADHD. Because it always requires them to be focused. (由于这款游戏是为注意力缺陷多动症儿童设计的,游戏任务教会...
Insomnia.Along with medications and trouble sticking to a schedule, there are other reasons people with ADHD are at risk forinsomnia. You may get a burst of energy at night, along with racing thoughts that make it hard to get to sleep. Even when you do sleep, it might not be particularl...
So it's no secret that people with ADHD have brains that work a little bit differently, but dopamine levels may be at the heart of it. Dopamine is a hormone in the brain that's responsible for feelings of reward and pleasure. Studies have found that people with ADHD don't have the sa...
There is so much scientific evidence that fidget toys help people with ADHD or anxiety and many people find them helpful. One theory is that the act of manipulating a fidget toy can help to increase blood flow and oxygen to the brain, which can improve focus and concentration. Additionally, ...
Yourbrainnormalizes.During adulthood, your brain matures and begins to look more like a neurotypical brain (like that of someone without ADHD). People with ADHD tend to have slower development of attentive and executive functioning, which could lead to the resolution of some symptoms with age. ...
Click to Read 2 Comments Deficient emotional self-regulation (DESR) is a new term describing an age-old problem of impulsive emotion and emotional self-regulation difficulties among people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD). Specifically, DESR refers to deficiencies in these ...
People who have claimed DSA include students with a wide range of conditions and impairments, including ADHD, anxiety, autism, cancer, Crohn’s disease, dyslexia, IBS, visual or hearing impairments, and many more. Find out today if you or someone you know might be eligible. ...
It’s very evident as more and more people embrace alternative health, globally this equates to huge financial losses for the Medical Industrial Establishment. Doctors are quick to point out the dangers of some dietary supplements and alternative medicines – and with some justification. Any Joe/Jo...
Breaking Down Myths: ADHD in the Business World One common myth is that people with ADHD cannot be organized or successful in business. This is not true! In fact, adults with ADHD are500% more likely to become entrepreneurs. Even if usual organization methods don’t work for you, it’s ...
A 504 plan is different from anIndividualized Education Program, or IEP, which is created under special education law and also provides equal access for people with disabilities. An IEP must ensure students are progressing educationally, so they are often more structured and specific. ...