34. Leucistic Leopard Gecko Leucistic leopard geckos can be confused for Patternless leopards. The differences being that Leucistic have no spots at all on their body and light reflecting cells in the skin. 35. Mack Snow Leopard Gecko Mack Snow leopard geckos are known for only showing white a...
But albinism causes the production of melanin pigment to be reduced or absent. Can we distinguish between the two conditions without the help of a cellular biologist? Yes. Albino animals have fully unpigmented red eyes....
Kids are fine if they're around people they know, but strangers are another matter. If someone they don't know comes up and tries to talk to them, they're more likely to hide behind a parent than get into a conversation. Getty Images Photo by Dasril Roszandi While this is usual...
The usual suspect in the infraction is the joint at the base of each finger. People pull their finger away from the rest of their hand until there’s a deep, muffled click. When medical imaging finally improved to the point where it could spy on the inside of a finger during the proces...
Everybody Will Be Safe Despite the fact that most places consider them little more than feathered rodents, Canadian geese are at the very least protective parents. Too protective, if you ask some people. But human parents might think that the goose in ...
Everybody Will Be Safe Despite the fact that most places consider them little more than feathered rodents, Canadian geese are at the very least protective parents. Too protective, if you ask some people. But human parents might think that the goose in this picture is doing things all the...