Can anxiety cause an eating disorder? Can gluten cause anxiety and depression? Can sugar cause anxiety and depression? Can clinical depression be cured without medication? What causes severe depression? What are the physical symptoms of depression and anxiety?
Does generalized anxiety disorder go away? Why do people get anxiety? Can schizophrenia cause depression? What are the effects of generalized anxiety disorder? Can hypochondria be cured? Does generalized anxiety disorder involve depression? Is anxiety a mental illness or disorder?
For example, some people with autism characterized by difficulty communicating or socializing insist the condition is not a disorder that needs to be cured, but just part of normal human "neurodiversity". Historically, some symptoms of mental illness, such as irregular behaviour and hearing voices,...
Many of the answers here consist of variations on "don't use mimics" or "don't ambush your players with mimics. What if you want to be able to use mimics, but at the same time have your PCs not be paranoid about them all the time? Well, that's going to take some metagaming. ...
Are you getting the idea? The same concepts apply to many mental disorders. Anxious? Hyperactive? Attention Deficit? Psychotic? Delusional? Schizophrenic? Bipolar? Social anxiety disorder? Panic attacks? If it can be cured, it is cured by addressing the cause. But if it is cured by addressing...
During the pandemic, an increasing number of people have developed such disorders. Others, who, like me, have dealt with this in the past, relapsed against the backdrop of collective panic. In Romania, we don’t have data on the number of eating disorder patients, or any recent spike in...
The 10 cancer clinicians KFF Health News interviewed for this story said that, given current shortages, they prioritize patients who can be cured over later-stage patients, in whom the drugs generally can only slow the disease, and for whom alternatives — though sometimes less effective and ofte...
Whether English should be considered more by the writers for a wider reach? For this KR Meera’s reply was ” It is as if you ask me to leave my child and take care if the Queen’s Children, why should I do that?”. She says every child’s first word is “Amma” which is a ...
Can you ever be cured of anxiety? Anxiety is not curable, but there are ways to keep it from being a big problem. Getting the right treatment for your anxiety will help you dial back your out-of-control worries so that you can get on with life. There are many ways to do this. Doe...
How does the pain-specialist know that some of his patients, when cured, won't go on to do terrible things? Of course he doesn't! All the pain-specialist (and we) can do is weigh risk-reward ratios. Depending on our theory of value, a pain-free bioengineered world where we're all...