Despiteitsname,theDigitalPandaSystemoffersprotectiontomorethanjustpandas.The systemcoverstheSichuansectionofthenewlyestablishedGiantPandaNationalPark.Theparkis hometomostofChina?s1,800wildpandas—alongwithafurther8,000animalandplantspecies. Inthefuture,thedigitalpandasystemcouldbeextendedacrossthesectionsofthenational...
Looking at this gorilla embracing her offspring, it would appear that humans aren't the only species that get frustrated with their kids around bedtime. This gorilla seems to be using it to calm her rambunctious young. Likely she's desperate to get her...
and humans alike. When threatened fire ants are aggressive and will act in mass to protect their colony. They can bite and sting, which can be painful and leave white pustules, but when one ant stings, it triggers others to do the same. Despite being able to observe their behavior, it...