针对你提出的“can not find 'converter' support class localdate”问题,我将从以下几个方面进行回答: 1. 确定用户所使用的编程语言和库 由于你没有明确指出所使用的编程语言和库,我将基于常见的Java编程语言及其常用的Spring框架来解答。在Spring框架中,尤其是在Spring MVC和Spring Boot中,经常需要使用到数据转换...
com.alibaba.excel.exception.ExcelDataConvertException: Can not find ‘Converter’ support class List. <>问题解释 EasyExcel开源框架中Converter接口的convertToExcelData只实现了转换BigDecimal、Bolean、Byte[]、btye[]、Byte、Date、Double、File、Float、InputStream、Integer、Long、Short、URL这些类型,意味着参数da...
建议先去看文档 快速开始 、常见问题 触发场景描述 LocalDate类型的转换不支持 触发Bug的代码 @Data @Builder @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class CatSerialize implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 12345L; private
首先,创建一个类,实现com.alibaba.excel.convert.Converter<java.util.Map>接口,然后实现convertToExcelData()和convertToJavaData()两个方法,以支持Map类型的读写操作。最后,在写Excel或者读取Excel时,将该处理器指定给相应的列即可。 示例代码: public class MapConverter implements Converter<Map> { @Override pub...
问题描述: com.alibaba.excel.exception.ExcelDataConvertException: Can not find 'Converter' support class ArrayList. 问题分析: 1、查看doWrite(List data)的源码时发现Converter接口的convertToExcelData只实现了转换BigDecimal、Bolean、Byte[]、btye[]、Byte、Date、Double、File、Float、InputStream、Integer、Long...
DateOnlyConverter 构造函数 方法 CanConvertFrom CanConvertTo ConvertFrom ConvertTo DateTimeConverter DateTimeOffsetConverter DecimalConverter DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute DefaultEventAttribute DefaultPropertyAttribute DefaultValueAttribute DescriptionAttribute DesignerAttribute ...
Koha - Enterprise-class ILS with modules for acquisitions, circulation, cataloging, label printing, offline circulation for when Internet access is not available, and much more. (Demo, Source Code) GPL-3.0 Perl RERO ILS - Large-scale ILS that can be run as a service with consortial features,...
Adobe has not yet provided support for this Sony model. It will most likely be added to support with the next .dot release of Camera Raw for ACR, Ps, LrC, Lr, and DNG Converter, etc. https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/kb/camera-raw-plug-suppor...
3.If a model is not in the IR or ONNX format, it must be converted. You can do this using the model converter: omz_converter --name googlenet-v1 You can download the car.bmp sample image from the storage in the "images" directory. Finally, perform...
public class Transaction { @Id private String id; private String companyName; private String username; private Date date; } public interface TransactionRepository extends MongoRepository<Transaction, String> { } Related issues Suggest a Fix I bypass the problem by adding@ReadingConverterand@WritingConve...