{4d40be2d-fe11-4060-b52a-de31c837d51d}\", "_BMPSaveOptions" ), _ Array( "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interface\{4d40be2d-fe11-4060-b52a-de31c837d51d}\ProxyStubClsid32\", "{00020420-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" ), _ Array( "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interface\{4d40...
Welcome to BleepingComputer, a free community where people like yourself come together to discuss and learn how to use their computers. Using the site is easy and fun. As a guest, you can browse and view the various discussions in the forums, but can not create a new to...
How to Reproduce the bug Steps to reproduce the bug: Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. Files you were trying to process when encountered the BUG If you encountered the BUG wh...
you'll need to create a Windows installation or repair media. It can be made on the computer itself or another one running thesame versionof Windows as the one you plan to use it on. For more information, check outthis tutorial.
So I have been playing Starfield on my Legion Go which is attached to an RTX 4060 EGPU while I waited for my B580 to arrive. Now that the B580 is here, obviously Intel chose to make their cards not usable for EGPU so I put it in my Ryzen 9 system, which cons...
Can’t install fresh windows on new gaming laptop: Hey, so I’ve basically downgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 11 on my new gaming laptop MSI Thin GF63 12VF i7-12650h, rtx 4060 variant as I don’t like Windows 11 and then I thought I should use a custom windows like Ghostspectre...
use, 500 kW-400V, IP54- einfache Version ABB MO496-90 Kurzschluss-Schutzschalter EF7610.24 AC50/60HZ 24V 0,2-6H0059443 valves MV 310 67345 "Membranventil MV 310 pneumatisch 103513207020102ATM60AMotionControlSensorsATM60-A4A0-K39ABSOLUTEENCODERATM60-A4A0-K39ABSOLUTEENCODERMULTITURN 1625840000BLZ...
Daisy Hampton donates a laptop to a school for use by a remote student. (Image credit: Including You) "I asked my mom if we could give her a laptop. I had already set aside money I won from the Girl Scouts for Including You, so we used that and my parents made up the rest," ...
Will be a PIA since I just built my machine and SP was working for a for weeks fine but not recently. 0 Gzus 7y 0 MrSefe said: I've fixed this three times now (I use failing external hard drive as buffer for ShadowPlay). This should work: 1. Disable ShadowPlay i...
2 new user i have an acer predator po3-630g is a 4060 compatible or should i just get a 30 series card? i thought i saw a post some where saying a 4060 would work but i just want to make sure it will work and fit in my case and that i will have enough power from the ...