Fallout 4 VR promises to bring the same scale of VR experience that Skyrim VR brought, and will no doubt offer better graphics and performance due to it running on a more powerful PC. If Fallout 4 VR does turn out to be a hit, it will also no doubt bring in a new crop of people ...
I got to play, Civ V, Skyrim, and Mount & Blade and XCOM… all games which I have bought and paid for since. That’s the other thing, too. Piracy doesn’t negate the possibility that someone will buy the game later. It could be used as...
People lose their minds when I tell them the Rift S will be an abandoned product by the end of the holidays 2019. But there’s no doubt in my mind FB only put out the S as a sop to PCVR diehards before closing it down for good. The future for FB is a wireless, closed ecosyst...
3D Vision improved Skyrim, Witcher 3, and especially the Tomb Raider games, even though the game devs may have done nothing to help the games use that system. VR is hopefully make some existing games better, too. Honestly, I have no idea what 3D Vision is/was. Never he...