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and while the tide ofcognizant adultsis turning, there are still millions of people in the USA who do not acknowledge our country’s horrific, genocidal,colonial history. I’ve written aboutNative American women’s activismin the States before, but today I want to bring your...
travel upward through an organization and have an effect on the final decision. Difference in decision-making also comes from different communication styles. The Japanese business person works to achieve harmony, even if the deal falls through, and will spend whatever time is necessary to ...
President Moon has called for reunification between the two countries and an intent to formally end the Korean War through a peace treaty (although China and the U.S. need to agree to end the war as ironically, South Korea was not involved in the initial armistice that brought the Korean W...
He splutters: "You don’t think Mexicans are treated badly in New York City? And how long did it take Britain to treat people well? I could come to London and write about the homeless people on Oxford Street and make your city sound like a terrible place, too! The workers here can ...
[1.1] Viruses don’t pay any attention to the geography of humans. As long as there are active cases anywhere, they will tend to spread to other countries. Over the past year, we have seen how ineffective cutting off travel between countries is in stopping the path of the virus...