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Mexico does not have an official religion. However,Roman Catholicismis the dominant faith and deeply culturally pervasive. It is estimated over 80% of the population identifies as Catholic. Many Mexicans see Catholicism as part of their identity, passed on through the family and nation like cultura...
mexicans metaphysics mercenaries meltzer meats meantime max maria manned maids magical lyric lumumba luminous lousy louder lord's logically liquidation lighter lens laying layer lately lasted landlord korea kid's ken juice joel jerked irony interviewed intersections interpretations intellectuals instrumental ...
Finally, trends. Buff, like Trump, claimed that Mexicans were swarming over the border. I asked him how many, and whether the number was increasing. “I find this stuff confusing,” I said. While Buff never went so far as to admit that there’s been a net outflow of Mexicans from th...