《You Can’t Scare Me》——这款由LunaBeat精心打造的VR恐怖游戏,将于10月10日盛大登陆Meta Quest平台,售价仅为10美元。游戏旨在为最多4名玩家带来一次别开生面的吓人体验,场景遍布从阴森的豪宅到荒芜的主题公园,共计8个惊悚关卡。玩家们将运用策略和技巧,借助8种各异的怪物服装和50余个精心布置的陷阱,...
I understand you're experiencing issues connecting your Meta Quest 2 to your PC with the Arc A770. Could you confirm if you're referring to a Virtual Reality (VR) setup? Also, If you've already tried any other tests, please let us know so we can focus on exploring additional solutions...
《You Can’t Scare Me》将于10月10日登陆Meta Quest平台,售价10美元。
I understand you're experiencing issues connecting your Meta Quest 2 to your PC with the Arc A770. Could you confirm if you're referring to a Virtual Reality (VR) setup? Also, If you've already tried any other tests, please let us know so we can focus on exploring additional solutions...
Windows 11 users can now pair a Meta Quest 3 or Quest 3S headset with a Windows PC or a Windows 365 Cloud PC and use the headset as a wearable display. LATEST VIDEOS In order to do that you’ll need to install a freeMixed Reality Linkapp on your computer, but once you’ve done ...
Players can connect the Meta Quest 2 to a PC for more access to games and features using Air Link or using a Meta Link wire. 4Gravity Sketch (2019) Draw, Sculpt, And Model In 3D Players can enter their own virtual reality art studio inGravity Sketch. In addition to being able to dra...
近日,由 LunaBeat 开发的多人 VR 恐怖游戏《You Can't Scare Me》正式登陆 Meta Quest Store,售价为 9.99 美元。这款游戏专为寻求刺激和惊吓的玩家设计,支持最多 4 人同时在线游玩。 在《You Can't Scare Me》中,玩家的目标是利用各种手段吓到其他玩家,以获得更高的分数。游戏设有 8 个精心设计的关卡,场...
Meta’s Horizon Workrooms connects to a PC or Mac to show three virtual screens.Digital Trends Meta’s Quest 3 is meant to be a gaming device, but it’s actually quite enjoyable to use for work if you accept that you’ll need to connect to your computer sometimes. There are several w...
The Meta Quest 3 delivers a more comfortable VR headset with improved graphics and superior performance than the Meta Quest 2 alongside new mixed reality features. The Quest 3 definitely succeeds in improving on the Quest 2 in nearly every way, but the m
If you get any error messages while trying to do that, send us a screenshot so we can figure out what's happening! If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers! 14 Kudos Reply Go to solution MetaQuest...