Feeling anxious? Turn to gratitude! It may seem counter-intuitive, but practicing gratitude meditation can actually reduce anxiety and improve your mental health. Sign us up.
Oct. 10 is World Mental Health Day and a new study finds that meditation can be just as effective in treating anxiety as medication.Oct 11, 2024 Twitter Facebook Email Latest Videos Wayfair lays off nearly 200 Massachusetts wor... 00:125h ago ...
coach in a flooded cave.According to news reports, the boys' coach,25-ycar-old Ekapol Chanthawong, used guided medi-tations to help these boys stay calm through moments when extreme anxiety could have cost them their lives.For all its benefits, meditation is not a compli-cated practice. ...
There are manybenefitsto deep breathing. For starters, it is free. It can be done anywhere. And unlike a 30-minutemeditationpractice, most deep breathing exercises do not take much time. Also, it gives you something tofocuson...
Through meditation you can relax knowing that any time anxiety rears its ugly head, you have the tools to deal with it. Deep breaths and a quiet moment may be all that’s needed to calm anxious nerves. 5. Meditation affords you a deeper connection with yourself. ...
At 7BREATHS, a meditation studio in central London, groups of young-professional types gather several times a day simply to breathe. The studio offers yoga and meditation sessions but their signature class is focused on “breathwork”. Those attending sit cross-legged atop small cushions in the ...
The first recorded evidence for this, found in India, is over 1,500 years old. The Dharmatrāta Meditation Scripture, written by a community of Buddhists, describes various practices and includes reports ofsymptoms of depressionand anxiety that can occur after meditation. It also details cognitive...
Katie Sparks, a chartered psychologist and a member of the British Psychological Society, says the figure could have been pushed up by people trying out meditation because of undiagnosed anxiety or depression. “Meditation has been found to help people to relax and refocus and help them both ment...
individuals globally in today’s fast-paced society. Meditation has been long known as a powerful practice to manage these problems. This ancient practice comes in a host of forms and below are five of the most popular meditation techniques people use to reduce stress, anxiety, and hypertens...
Meditation is one of the best ways to practice self-care. Simple and accessible to all, the benefits of meditation are numerous. From reducing stress and anxiety to calming the mind and improving focus, meditation is a perfect antidote to our fast-paced modern age. ...