Original Language Kannada The five elementshave become one.The sun and the moon,O Rider of the Bull,aren't they reallyyour body?I stand,look on,you're filledwith the worlds.What can I hurt nowafter this, Ramanatha? -- from Speaking of Siva, by A K Ramanujan <<Previous Poem | More...
aSelect...Afrikaans AlbanianAmharicArabicArmenianAshantiBengaliBosnianBulgarianByelorussianCantoneseCroatianCzechDanishDariDutchEnglishEstonianFantiFarsiFinnishFrenchGermanGreekGujuratiHausaHebrewHindiHungarianIndonesianItalianJapaneseJavaneseKannadaKashmiriKoreanKurdishLatvianLithuanianMacedonianMalayMalayalamMandarinM 选择…南非荷兰语...
Its IMDB rating is a near-unbeatable 9.1, meaning if it were classified in the movie list it would be the third highest-rated movie ever. But it's classified as a TV show, so it's tied for 19th place with True Detective. I'm gonna say we saw half of the Dekalog: we saw 1, 2...
Even the courses were not written in the native language, Kannada. Disale stepped up to the ___ by first learning Kannada himself and then translating all the textbooks into the native language. He even organized after-school "Edutainment" activities to awaken the students' ___ His ___ ha...