$ docker run -it --rm --name=can-test-torizon --net=host --cap-add="NET_ADMIN" -v /dev:/dev -v /tmp:/tmp -v /run/udev/:/run/udev/ can-test-torizon --- 5). CAN通讯测试 a).在上述Colibri iMX8x启动的docker image里面使能can1接口 --- ### set can1 interface up /home/...
docker build .Expected behaviorDocker to create the image I try to rundocker versionClient: Cloud integration: v1.0.35+desktop.10 Version: 25.0.3 API version: 1.44 Go version: go1.21.6 Git commit: 4debf41 Built: Tue Feb 6 21:13:02 2024 OS/Arch: windows/amd64 Context: default Server:...
Description When i start docker desktop i 've got the message error : Doscker Destop - unexpected WSL error Reproduce it's when i try to start docker engine juste before installation Uploading 20240129194618.zip… Expected behavior No res...
But I am not able to pull any fresh image from the docker hub. I have tried this in WSL Ubuntu, Amazonlinux Trying to pull Docker… WARN[0018] failed, retrying in 1s … (1/3). Error: initializing source docker://amazonlinux:latest: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/...
I guess it will not do it on every interfaces on Windows and inside the VM as well. If you want to use “localhost”, try forwarding the port from like: docker run --name pg14 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres --detach --publish postgres:14 ...
Status: Downloaded newer image fornvcr.io/nvidia/k8s/cuda-sample:nbody docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error running hook#0:error running hook: signal...
docker run -it --rm wpscanteam/wpscan -u https://wodpress.com [options] 在其他linux系统上使用,可以直接从官网下载源码包(https://wpscan.org),wpscan是用ruby写的,需要安装ruby,还需要安装curl支持ssl,wpscan在更新数据库的时候需要。 具体安装组件如下: ...
The host operating system (node OS) is incompatible with the image that's used for the pod or container. For example, if you schedule a pod to run a Linux container on a Windows node, or a Windows container on a Linux node, the following error occurs: ...
路标1.System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1)...Can't operate. 2.Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock...WSL:windows subsystem for linux 不想装虚拟机的用户win用户可能会想到这条路,但是会...
1,RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered 使用pytorch的时候报这个错误说明你label中有些指不在[0, num classes), 区间左闭右开。比如类别数num_class=3, 你的label出现了-1或者3, 4, 5等!!! 2.RuntimeError:invalid argument 5:k not in range for dimension at /pytorch/ate ......