There are certain items that will not be accepted as checked baggage, including perishables or fragile articles, medical devices, medication, silverware, jewelry, laptop computers, electronics, business documents or other valuables. Syringes, hypodermic needles and Epi-Pen are only allowed for personal...
Certain items like flammable substances and bear spray are prohibited in both carry-on and checked luggage. Airport security can be one of the more confusing and stressful parts of air travel. Whether you’re unsure about what’s allowed in your carry-on or checked bag, whether you have t...
Electronic equipment including laptop computers, video recorders, tripods & wearable video cameras including Go Pros [sic]. Green Bay Garbage Trucks Video cameras and still cameras with lenses over 12" are not allowed into the stadium. You are welcome to use your still photo camera (with lenses...