While milk is incredibly beneficial for humans while they're growing, and dog milk is helpful for young pups,human milk simply doesn't fit into a dog's diet. Your dog likely has a lactose intolerance to human milk that will cause them incredibly discomfort. Can puppies drink baby formula?
just a man quietly in a daze. Sometimes, in the dead of night, I suddenly felt not can't sleep, but stubbornly sleepy. Sometimes, hear a song, suddenly thought of a person. Sometimes, people suddenly said to you, I think you have changed,and then he start 有时,莫名的坏心情,不想要...
It is good news that you got a diagnosis, and if it's just lactose intolerance and not IBS that should be really manageable by just avoiding the lactose. The tummy fiber can't hurt you but it definitely won't stop lactose intolerance, you'll want to steer clear of dairy for that....
I suffered with IBS and lactose intolerance in college and changing my diet (Huge overhaul!) and running helped it immensely. Ariana Page Russell on April 29, 2015 at 8:47 pm Thanks for writing Marie! Please let us know how it goes with the elimination diet. Marianne on August 1, ...