Before you become concerned, you may experience normal temporary changes in stool colors can be due to what we consume, as you’ll see below, but any color change that cannot be explained by something you consumed and does not quickly resolve should be discussed with your doctor...
Various types of Candida fungus can cause these infections. Candida die-off may cause symptoms of a yeast infection to temporarily worsen, or it may even cause new symptoms, such as a fever or stomach pain. Treatment of viruses, bacteria, and fungi such as candidacan cause temporary inflammati...
I suffered with IBS and lactose intolerance in college and changing my diet (Huge overhaul!) and running helped it immensely. Ariana Page Russell on April 29, 2015 at 8:47 pm Thanks for writing Marie! Please let us know how it goes with the elimination diet. Marianne on August 1, ...