Can you treat strep throat over the phone if a family member was positive?doi:10.1097/ebp.0000000000000244S. CurtisS. DalyEvidence-Based Practice
It is still possible to get strep throat after your tonsils are removed, though it is much less likely. The tonsils are the main area for the Group A Strep that causes tonsillitis, but strep can also attach to the back of the throat which can cause infection known as pharyngitis. By re...
I have a sore throat and am having a difficult time swallowing the large tablets. Can they safely be crushed?Official answer by The extended-release tablets should not be crushed or chewed, it needs to swallowed either whole or break the tablet in half and take both halves at ...
Strep A, normally a relatively harmless bacterium that causes throat infections, can lead to amputations and death if it enters a wound 127 Comments January 31, 2025 Health 'Considerable uncertainty' remains about gender treatments for kids, Canadian researchers warn Two new...
HFMD mainly affects children under the age of 10, but can also affect adolescents. It spreads easily from one person to another. It is possible to contract the virus more than once, but the symptoms will be less severe. Why does the back of my throat have red bumps?
I used to get on the bus about five or six houses up the street from where I lived. It’s where my friends lived. Even though it was only a short walk, I was lazy (Ha! And we say kids these days are the first to ignore physical fitness) and, so, my dad would drive me the...
Official answer: Yes, you can drink alcohol while taking the antibiotic amoxicillin. The alcohol will not stop amoxicillin from working...
When one of my kids has strep throat I'm all about the antibiotics. In my food? Not so much, unless they are natural. I've been trending toward being more of a label reader in recent years, so I'll continue to keep a sharp eye on certain products. On the flip side, it's nice...
I got strep throat a lot. There was some kind of sulfa drug that came chocolate-flavored. It must not have been real chocolate, because I was allergic to chocolate. To my mind, to have something that I was allowed to have that looked like the chocolate I could not have and love, ...
To be honest, I was a bit of a nervous wreck during the ceremony…not that I would trip or, for some reason, not receive my diploma, but that my poor kids wouldn’t make it through the 2+-hour ceremony. Ugh, they were troopers, as were John and my brother Stephan who were tasked...