《Mustang Kids》 03:01 “从人海相遇的人,最终也要归还于人海!”《Ammunition》 03:43 “多少人上一秒还在一个粉色的软件,下一秒就到了一个红色的软件。”《Give Me a Kiss》 02:48 ”这是前奏秒杀?逗我呢?那简直是从头秒杀到尾啊!“《SAKURA》 04:30 “原来耳朵怀孕时这样的感觉呀!”《Lay It Down...
As he crossed the threshold, Dexter reminded him, “I saw the whole thing, Mr. Waterman. Quite a disgusting exhibition. No shame at all, these kids.” “Yes, I suppose so. I was thinking no more than six strokes. Cup of tea, Sergeant. Or something stronger?” “I’d love a bitter...
“Aw, come on, Leon, it’s for the kids!” “The kids get plenty at Christmas already. Far too many presents. Little buggers are spoiled rotten.” “Not all of them. This is for the ones who won’t get much at Christmas. It’s only a couple of weekends,” pleaded Nick. “On...
少年谢尔顿第1季第2集台词 英文中文Look at him. Breaks my heart.你看他我心都要碎了Poor little guy, all alone.可怜的小...
HOW CAN there be so many lunatics opposed to sex education? And apart from anything else, what makes them think a lesson about sex is going to make kids go out and immediately have sex? It's education about it, not an instruction to get it done before dinner break. Maybe they shoul...
i have heard the repr i have it all under m i have it in my addre i have just heard fro i have kids i have learned indepe i have management exp i have more songs tha i have my own menu i have my pen i have no choice bu t i have no class i have no influence w i have ...
i may bring it over b i mean everyday i mean not anymore i mean the kids watch i mean im good at mat i meanive never looke i meanno i meeting the queen i met a cat i met the president i mhome i might be wrong - li i miniature overture i miss ah i miss janicethough i ...
瑞克和莫蒂第2季第3集台词 英文中文Love爱Connection心相连Experience共经历Yeah, Morty.赞 MortyCome together一起来Wit...
“Kids are more susceptible to ghost sightings because they have a much greater sense of awareness than most adults,” explainedIntuitive Healer Dr. Kim Peirano.“This leaves them subject to picking up on energies and events that go unnoticed by most. We tend to have a belief that because ou...
- What's going on?- Show some respect, kids. You're in the presence of greatness.in the presence of ……:在……面前邻居对Beth的计谋佩服不已,所以让孩子们在这位“伟人”面前要心怀敬意。 27:18 Given Simone's grasp of geography, I'm surprised we're not having clamchowder.given:副词。考虑...