While the “First World” terminology has been around for a while, the hashtag #firstworldproblems reached its peak in popularity on Twitter in 2011 after Buzzfeed posted a series of memes about problems experienced by privileged people from wealthy countries. The meme almost always depicts an at...
Set in the west wing of the White House, “The West Wing,” an American political drama created by Aaron Sorkin, aired on NBC for 7 seasons between 1999 and 2006. The show, which was written on the heels of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, is widely regarded as one of the best-written T...
Well, one evening my uncle Kenny was babysitting my brother and I. We started watching a film on what I tend to think was SF Theater when my parents got home a bit early and off to bed we had to go. I only saw the first few minutes of the movie, likely no more than ten. In ...