创乐博官方旗舰店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.2 低 物流履约: 4.8 高 售后服务: 4.6 高 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注对比 企业购更优惠 创乐博Jetson nano专用CAN通信模块总线模块Orin AGX/NX CAN总线收发器 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0
but jetson gets stuck during the reboot. jetson orin nano developer kit 8GB this is usart logs. reboot.txt (33.4 KB)DaveYYY 2024 年7 月 26 日 01:45 24 L4TLauncher: Attempting Direct Boot OpenAndReadUntrustedFileToBuffer: Failed to open boot\extlinux\extlinux.conf: No t Found ProcessEx...
Enable socket can interface on Jetson Nano with waveshare CAN extension board. The hardware: RS485 CAN for Jetson Nano Jetson Nano Developer Kit Developer Kit (B01) Steps: Enable SPI on jetson nano add "spidev" in /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf(not 100% sure this is really needed) sud...
Hi I just met a strange thing that I can’t shutdown Jetson nano by any of the following method: from top right corner of the window, select power and shutdown and then click on shutdown button. This resulted a Ubuntu …
1. 进入官网,点击Jetson nano开发者套件SD卡镜像完成下载 注意下载完成后是压缩文件,要解压 2. 安装烧录工具Etcher 3. 烧录说明 插入microSD 卡 启动Etcher 单击“Select image”(选择镜像),然后选择先前下载的解压缩镜像文件 单击“Flash!”(闪存!)。Mac 或会提示输入用户名和密码,然后才允许 Etcher 继续操作。
市面上(x宝上)便宜的CAN模块实在是太少了,好在有Seeed和Waveshare两家在做,控制芯片和收发芯片貌似都一样,开源的魅力。 硬件连接 将CAN FD module的pwr/spi/int的pin连接到Nano,由于Nano的40pin和Raspberry Pi的不是一一对应的,没法直接把module叠加上去了。但是杜邦线可以带我们飞(飞线)啊。 NANO NANO 1 2 ...
However, i could connect via VS Code SSH to my Jetson Nano from a Windows 11 Host Machine. Greetings Author cobalt2727 commented Feb 16, 2024 • edited @stephkoch Yeah, see above - they're just killing support for it. Best solution I can think of at the moment would be to (...
System Support Windows Windows XP/7/8/10/11 (32 bits and 64 bits) Linux Linux systems such as Raspberry Pi OS, Ubuntu (Jetson Nano), VMware virtual machines, etc. Does Not support the Linux system now, and the related drivers are under development. Operating Temperature -40~85℃ ...
4.2 Ubuntu (Jetson Nano) 4.2.1 c 4.2.2 python 4.3 Linux for VMware virtual machines 4.3.1 c 4.3.2 python 5 Resources 5.1 Windows Driver and Tool 5.2 Linux Driver Demo (Only applicable to USB-CAN-FD-B) 5.3 Document 6 FAQ 7 Support Introduction The USB-CAN-FD is an industrial-gr...