《孤岛危机》的官方推特中,官方提到他们将这个梗带入到了游戏之中:在《孤岛危机 高清版》中,游戏的最高画质直接被命名为“Can it Run Crysis?”,致敬了这个在玩家社区中火热的梗,并放出了一张在此画质下的4K分辨率高清截图向玩家们展示了《孤岛危机 高清版》的美丽风景。在Reddit论坛上,一位网友也在官方...
演示演示Linux下光追特效。话说这是个dx10游戏 如何跑起光追也是没理解,但就真的可以,再配上proton-GE的全局FSR。真的是玩出花来了。不过没有太多时间折腾不然把nvapi折腾好了 还能开DLSS,那样就达成了FSR+DLSS同时开的成就了。帧率什么的就不做详细测试了,只说开了光追
而且这还是不是最高画质,游戏有一个“can it run crysis?”的画面选项,它能让你开启游戏的全部光追效果,也就是视频前半段所展示的效果。可以想象,如果运行在这个画质下可能帧数表现会更加糟糕。甚至可以假设RTX 3080显卡在1440p分辨率+超高画质的环境下下无法达到60帧的游戏体验。 “can it run crysis?”这个选项...
We want to show you, for the very first time, an in-game screenshot using the new "Can it Run Crysis?" Graphic mode, which is designed to demand every last bit of your hardware with unlimited settings – exclusively on PC!pic.twitter.com/kVHEf63oWe — Crysis (@Crysis)September 6, 2...
Check the Crysis 3 system requirements. Can I Run it? Test your specs and rate your gaming PC. System requirements Lab runs millions of PC requirements tests on over 8,500 games a month. Can You Run It? Here are the Crysis 3 System Requirements (Minimum) CPU: Dual core CPU CPU SPEED...
You all likely know the meme that Crysis became by now. It used to bring PCs to a halt and make GPUs cry. How about the Steam Deck though? Can it run the newest version withCrysis Remastered? Yes. I'm not one to bury the lede and I'll answer that question properly with a video...
For Crysis' 10th anniversary, we tested all of the flagship AMD and Nvidia GPUs released over the last decade at 1080p, 1440p, and 4K.
Ever heard about "Can it run Crysis ?" 2024-08-22 13:24:58 No Star Citizen shouldn't be on this list. It's not had a release, and a game still in development is going to use more recent technologies than something like RDR or Odyssey that's been released and is done. ...
Back in the day, my PC failed the “but can it run Crysis?” test. Nevertheless, when a game company remasters one of the biggest memes in PC building, we have to take note. Read MoreGuides to the best PC builds for any budget at logicalincrements.com. Have a question or want to ...
Crysis Remastered is coming in September, and CryTek has put a fresh coat of paint on the game since we saw it a few months ago via leaked trailer.