Reply Guestover a year ago Just thought I would mention here that bleeding after sex can sometimes point to a few different STD's. I would get tested just in case. You also may get tested for a urinary tract infection or a kidney infection. When in doubt, just check with a doctor....
This case provides further evidence for the mode of infection being bacteremia in cirrhotic patients. in patients with cirrhosis and fever, a high index of suspicion is required for joint infection as a potential cause of fever or deterioration in the cirrhotic's patient general condition....
Can testicular cancer cause constipation? Can a prostate infection cause cancer? Can bladder cancer cause constipation? Can prostate cancer cause testicular cancer? Can colon cancer spread to the prostate? Can stomach cancer cause constipation?
Infection Causes of female infertility include: Ovulatory disorder (polycystic ovarian syndrome) Structural defects in the reproductive system organs Infections, such as pelvic inflammatory disease Endometriosis (when tissue that typically exists in the uterus grows in other places) Birth defects Hypothyroidis...
When females release eggs, it may cause: Belly pain Diarrhea Blood in urine Chronic infection can cause: Anemia Stunted growth Organ damage 11/14 Lymphatic Filariasis Three types of tiny, thread-like worms cause this disease. It’s common in the tropics and subtropics. Adult worms can live ...
What can cause flu, Influenza, or flu as it is affectionately known, is a viral infection that affects the respiratory system. The flu attacks your throat, lungs and most of all, your nose. Read More » what can cause rashes What can cause rashes, Rashes are changes in the appearance ...
Can bladder cancer cause constipation? Can hives be a sign of skin cancer? Can a prostate infection cause cancer? Can eczema lead to skin cancer? Can smoking cause colorectal cancer? Does the P53 gene cause basal cell carcinoma? Can skin cancer turn into bone cancer?
In fact, the Centers for Disease Control reports that it was a common infection before meat preparation became more standardized [source: CDC]. Raw caribou consumption also is commonly linked with the bacteria brucellosis that wreaks bodily havoc in the form of fever, fatigue and appetite loss. ...
Inflammation is a natural response of the immune system to injury or infection, but chronic inflammation has been linked to a range of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Chronic stress can also lead to inflammation in the skin, which can cause wrinkles, sagging, ...
Can ovarian cancer cause constipation? Does intestinal cancer cause pain? Can Actos cause bladder cancer? Can a prostate infection cause cancer? Can bladder cancer spread to the lungs? Does thickening of the bladder wall indicate cancer?