Aunt nodded, saying, “Yes, a bare bottom caning for you, Fergus. And as Mr Peters is the injured party here, I’ve invited him to watch you get your just desserts.” I couldn’t believe that sick old Mr Peters was going to be allowed to watch my punishment! I wanted to argue, ...
“Yeah well maybe, but I can assure you that I’m well-motivated to tidy up now, after my little session with her cane! You could say that I’m a changed man. Now, let’s have a good look at those mags.” “Alright, here you go. Some really vicious vixens here.” Alan laid ...
i wasn t ill i wasnt aware of any i watch how the moon i watched the movie i wbnt to know whbt l i well not live any b i went home i went looking i where the team i whipped around i whisper to her i will always be i will always love yo i will always remembe i will be...
i wasnt speaking lite i watch the passersby i watched helpless i watched tv i wave goodbye to yes i wear good shoes i well its its got to i went to a movie the i went to peking i went to the moon i were so glad i had i were titled away i whisper to hans i wil build a ch...
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Of course, when putting away groceries, younger children may need supervision. But most kids know where stuff goes in their own kitchen, and you can make yourself available to offer direction should they need it. Carrying in groceries is something else that kids can help out with to get the...
We all love free stuff. And, frankly, relying on Apple TV Plus free trials might be enough for you to get by if you play your cards right. Apple is producing some great TV shows and movies, but its original content library is still manageable if you want to catch up. So by the ...
Whatever the form factor, they can find your stuff when you've misplaced it. Most of them are super affordable, too. That means you can make sure the whole family has one when they need to find their backpacks. Or their keys...or even their car, if you put a tracker inside. With...
Act like you're hot stuff. Fake it until you make it. Basically, let your confidence shine through. *** Embrace that strut and own your allure. Let the world see the self-assured soul striding with purpose. Your head held high, shoulders back, flashing that infectious smile, cast the ...
100% want a baby, and I honestly, truly, 100% know that we cannot have a baby. I actually pretty much loved the baby stage and weathered it better than most that I know; but my partner did NOT, and we didn’t have two OTHER kids needing attention while we were exhausted and over...