Actual HDR TV shows and movies are required to unlock the brighter highlights andwider color gamutthat make your new set shine. Non-HDR content, whether it's in4K resolution or 1080p high-def, whether from a Blu-ray, streaming app or cable box, simply doesn't deliver the punch and impa...
此外,由于使用了预期的 4K 显示器,PS4 Pro 默认可以支持 3840 x 2160 像素或 4K UHD 分辨率的视频。 相反,PS4 Pro 和其他 PS4 机型在播放 4K 蓝光时仍然存在问题。出于这个原因,许多人怀疑 PS4 Pro 是否可以播放 4K 电影。事实上,只要不是蓝光格式,PS4 Pro 就只能支持 4K 电影。所以,这意味着即使是 P...
OK for quick snaps but useless for anything else. Unlike most folk, although I still have better than average eye sight, I'm not a visual media type, I watch no films, TV, you tube etc etc, but I live for audio, be it music, plays or just listening to the world around me, so...
Urban Reign For PC, Playstation 2 (PS2 ISO