问题: 尝试卸载 Autodesk 软件时,卸载程序挂起、不响应或出现错误。 原因: 此问题通常是由安装损坏或权限不足引起的。 解决方案: 要解决此问题,请完成以下解决方案: 使用 Microsoft 疑难解答程序 如果从 Windows“控制面板”中删除时出现问题请使用Microsoft疑难解答
Also I tried to install the AdSSO and it cant, show and error too. I even tried to enter as a Super Admin but It didn't do anything. Please I need help with this. I attached pictures and log files. AdSSO_install.log Autodesk Genuine Service_install.log Report Rep...