I still have shitty days; some lessons I still need to re-learn repeatedly, but I also share why I am way gentler with myself when I do; I share these in the hope that more people will learn these lessons sooner than I did. I finally like who I am most days. All of me, the ...
If I had just tried to find an easy cure for my dermatographia, fighting it every step of the way, then I would never have learned so much about how to take care of myself. Another thing I am going to try (once I find the time to properly devote to it) is an elimination diet...
The pain in my chest had subsided The RV was sitting 5 feet away from where I layed on the luvsack/bean bag & I finally managed to crawl back into one of the beds where I spent the remainder of the day laying around & gripping my chest with my hand. If I got up, the pain ...
I spoke to her for hours every day, 10 times a day (I am married for 11 years now). I never had friends who I could talk and share my feelings with because I had an incredible mother. She was/is my world, my everything and I never felt the need to confide myself anywhere ...
Dogs can haveopioidsbut they are highly sensitive to Tylenol that's in the hydrocodone. I wouldn't chance it. Cats=Tylenol and dogs = aspirin. Dogs can have Tylenol but consult with the vet on a safe amount. Most times they are going to tell you that no they can't have it and you...
It comes and goes, and sometimes it is more tolerable than others, but mostly it causes me to take pain meds like Tylenol arthritis, and Advil. When looking at the diagram, my pain is on the right side(same side as the thumb) and extends right down to my pinky/ring fingers. I ...
OK i believe i have a boil...its a red lump under my skin that is actually quite painful...its about the size of quarter when i squeeze the lump it hurts so bad i want to cry it is on my left butt cheek near my anus it painful and embarrassing i don't have a regular doctor ...
Robert McNeil opened a Philadelphia pharmacy in 1879, which grew to become McNeil Laboratories. In 1955, the lab produced Tylenol for children; four years later, Johnson & Johnson purchased McNeil Laboratories, and Tylenol soon became an over-the-counter drug. The drug's main ingredient, acetamin...