where I interview entrepreneurs about how they build their businesses for an audience of entrepreneurs. My brother works for today’s guest as a contractor, and he and I were talking earlier today and he goes, how, here’s what I want you to find out. ...
During my working years, I invested regularly into my 401(k). I chose to use my 401(k) to take advantage of the considerable tax benefits available to an early retiree. This consistent saving, combined with a bull market over the last decade of my career, left me with a substantial ...
I had only started maxing out my 401K when I got my first 6-figure job in 2001. My divorce had taken a financial toll on me. And we had spent a ton on travel, thinking Nick’s death was imminent. We had run up credit card debt. My 401K sat at $350,000, and I had $80,000...
First-time annuity buyers often ask this question: "If I change my mind can I cancel my annuity and get my money back?"A variation would be: "If I needed money for an emergency could I close my annuity and get some or all of my premium back?"The...
HSA benefit plan for employees as another option for employees in another way. So maybe giving them more ideas of what all you can actually do with 401k and showing them a bigger picture; and maybe they’ll see the need for it more so than just, “Oh, they’re taking 6% of my pay...
Take care of your belongings. If you value and watch over your stuff with care, it will last longer, saving you money and saving you time by having to replace it in the near future. 15. They Take Emotion Out of Investing As I write this, the Dow Jones has just plunged 1,175 points...
While sounding like a cliche, it is absolutely true. Therefore, offering my team valuable perks is paramount in my mind. One such perk is a vacation stipend. In my view, a great stress buster and productivity booster is getting away from work. For this reason, I pay the cost of a ...
I needed to get rid of my credit card problem. I needed to increase my income. I needed to devote more income to paying off my debt and building the emergency fund and getting rid of this all, all together. So while I think this could be a bandaid, I don’t know that it’s ...
I can’t do the Solo 401k because I already max out my 401k at work and I can’t do a SEP IRA because as I understand it, that would preclude me from being able to do the backdoor roth IRA due to the aggregation rule around IRAs. Do you have any other suggestions besides ...
What we’re seeing lately is Trump being Trump, no shocker there. Since all I care about is that the Democrats win, my thoughts are all about the unexploited opportunities being handed the Democrats to take Trump out. The statement you cite from the Butler rally, for ex...