s much better than facing all hassles of finding the proper public transportation. There are many benefits to using this type of car rental service, and they all depend on your personal needs. But, make sure to find the best car rental service that has appliedceramic coating sprayto their ...
I used Gain Fireworks scent booster for the past two weeks, especially on towels. I got blisters on my lips similar to that of poison ivy. I have to be super careful with laundry soap anyway, so I was concerned when I purchased this product but I wanted to give it a shot. I think ...
First, take one of your small (2- 4 oz) spray bottles. Then, add 1-2 teaspoons of rubbing alcohol and 10 -20 drops of essential oils (such as lavender, mint, citrus, or a combination of a few). Finally, fill the rest of the spray bottle with water and shake. Spray the toilet ...
After I didTHIS post on the 1o Most Toxic Things in our Homeswe quickly got rid of all dryer sheets and fabric softeners. I useTHESE Wool Dryer Ballsand I add a couple drops of Lavender Essential Oils to each ball. Make sure the oil absorbs in before tossing in with your clothes. (...
Dry Erase Boards– Spray rubbing alcohol on your dry erase boards and dry with a clean cloth to remove dry erase marker. Ink Stains-If you get ink stains on your clothes, use alcohol to remove the ink stain. Repeat until the stain is gone. ...
Why Pack It:My friends often don’t understand the big deal about my need for my bug spray. They will never understand that one bite could cause swelling knots that can sting and itch for what seems like an eternity. Those that know what I’m talking about understand. And then when the...
Spray on — wipe off! EASY!Tough stains? One of our dogs turns his head back and forth quickly sometimes. When he does he occasionally flings a little saliva that landed on the TV and hardened before I saw it. This made light work of it. Did I mention it doesn't STREAK!? It is ...
· Posted onAug 29, 2023 42 Products With Before And Afters So Scary You Can Show Them Around A Campfire You'll win the award for scariest campfire story — with photos to prove it. byCourtney Lynch BuzzFeed Staff 1.Amouthguard and retainer cleanerbecause what's worse than going to...
This spray doesn't just work on leather! It's also great for suede, nubuck, and canvas! My colleague Amanda Davis swears by this spray. Here's what she has to say about it: "So, I have about three pairs of shoes that have just been sitting in my closet because while they are ...