Yes, villagers spawn in villages, and mate anywhere there's enough wooden doors around to sustain the population. Can I start my own village? To incorporate a town, you'll need a lawyer who can handle the paperwork. Once you've decided on where to put your town, the first step toward ...
包路径:net.minecraft.entity.EntityCreature 类名称:EntityCreature 方法名:getCanSpawnHere EntityCreature.getCanSpawnHere介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: TeamLapen/Vampirism @Override publicbooleangetCanSpawnHere(){ return(peaceful||!=EnumDifficulty.PEACEFUL)&&super.getCanS...
Test chunks link: WithinAmnesia/ARPG#15 I'm trying to find a way to seamless load and unload chunks for a 2D multiplayer game project to make an open world with a working server using Godot 4.2.1.NET. How can this work for multiplayer an...
包路径:net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory类名称:ForgeEventFactory方法名:canEntitySpawn ForgeEventFactory.canEntitySpawn介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: SleepyTrousers/EnderIO protected boolean canSpawnEntity(EntityLiving entityliving) { // this is the logic from ForgeEventFactory.canEntity...
Describe the problem so i have made a server the same one as last time and when i go on to Minecraft i put in the IP address however it can not connect i have no idea whether it is a bug or just me being general stupid as i can not acces...
包路径:net.minecraft.block.Block 类名称:Block 方法名:canCreatureSpawn Block.canCreatureSpawn介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: RS485/LogisticsPipes @Override @ModDependentMethod(modId=LPConstants.mcmpModID) publicbooleancanCreatureSpawn(IBlockStatestate,IBlockAccessworld,BlockPospos,EntityLiving.Spaw...
spawn in a backpack and see if it's invisible for you at the start? If not, perhaps see if the invisibility is a local issue (only at your base or so) or related to which items you have equipped, possibly. I'd recommend unequipping all items and putting them in a chest temporarily...