Run the following command to see the tailwind css changes: Without running this command you will not see the changes made by tailwind css. Everytime you start the project, you need to run this command in background. npx tailwindcss -i global.css -o output.css --watch Congrats, you'...
@spanglishoneYou can always try using valet share command. This creates a tunnel to the project which should make the cURL commands work without problems. Not working for me :-( Unfortunately this problem is still not solved, but I've found a workaround that works (at least for my use ...
If I look atlocalhostI see Laragon's server page. If I go tolocalhost/stripe-laravelI see the site files listed under the app root. If I go to 'localhost/stripe-laravel/publicit tries to runindex.php` which bombs out with errors, line by line, like the framework is not runn...
最后设置File->Setting->Languages&Frameworks->php->Debug->DBGP Proxy,ID KEY和端口要和php.ini中保持一致,如下图所示: 4.phpstorm调试配置设置: 设置:Run->Edit configurations,点添加按钮(加号),选择PHP WEB Application类型,在右边填写相关信息,要注意Start URL应该指向你项目的浏览器访问根目录,如下图所示: ...
php下MYSQL limit的优化 mysql调优抛砖引玉 xampp修改mysql默认密码的方法 SQL Server行转列的方法 MS SQL SERVER 数据库日志压缩方法与代码 解决MSSQL"以前的某个程序安装已在安装计算机上创建挂起的文件操作" SQL建立数据库及删除数据库命令 sqlserver常用命令行操作及工具isql和osql常用命令 SQL Server 自动增长...
To run something as a localhost that is a dev/staging environment you need the web server features and SQL database to manage that. If it is an apache/php/sql setup on the server you will need something like XAMPP setup and configured so it has the Apache and PHP environment a...
I did temporarily removed all domain, private and public security or firewalls, I am not using any other (Apps like MAMP, XAMPP, or Docker for example) but I guess I have to if I can’t fix this issue in few days unfortunately, I really like Local. ...
I've specified a temporary directory in both c:\windows\my.ini and c:\xampp\mysql\bin\my.cnf (the latter being the most crucial for XAMPP if I understand this right). One final test I've done: if I run mysqladmin to "ping" mysql without ...
Do note that while increasing the PHP memory limit can sometimes resolve the issue and allow you to install plugins, it’s important to understand that it’s not always the ideal solution. Malicious code could exploit a high memory limit to consume more resources than intended, potentially impac...
Solution 1: It is false that optimizing the table will prevent it from crashing. Instead, it is not advisable to run the optimize table command frequently as it can lock the table, even though its purpose is to compact free data. If you want all tables to be converted to InnoDB, execute...