One of my favorite features of Personality Perfect is its focus on how others might perceive and interpret your behaviors. It allowed me to take a moment and think about myself from a third-person perspective and identify weaknesses from past experiences. For instance, I’m often hesitant to ...
That is what happened to me and my parents. Our mistake was filing for guardianship, which others used to turn us into human ATM machines. We didn’t know that this had been going on for decades and didn’t find out until we were trapped. Today, I am part of a national human rights...
“These mirror neurons are involved in empathy for pain. To really empathize with your pain, I need to experience it myself. That is what the mirror neurons are doing. They help me to feel your pain. I experience the same pain as if someone were to hurtmedirectly. That is the basis ...
Common beliefs associated with this type of guilt or shame-based trauma are loud with a strong internal critical or blaming tone:“I’m being ridiculous… I must be weak… I could have done more… How dare I say I have trauma… I am not the real victim here”. Trauma re-experiencing...
( I’m referring to myself here, not my sister. Just to be clear.) He sends emails to a select few about all kinds of things, whether they are appreciated or not. Some of the people he sends stuff to are a group of his hard core followers,who I lovingly refer to as “his ...
I can borrow money, buy the item today, hand it over tomorrow, and use the money you give me to pay off my loan. I just need to make sure the future price we agree to pays off my loan. Then the whole thing is a zero-sum game. (Clearly this is theory. In reality the smaller...
From the opening line of her first essay—"I have just touched my dog"—the deaf-blind Keller makes contact, by sharing her embodied sense of touch. But as she cannot speak or make eye contact, she needed writing, a technè, to overcome the distance between herself and the outer world....