Webscoutis the all-in-one search and AI toolkit you need. Discover insights with Google, DuckDuckGo, and Phind; access cutting-edge AI models; transcribe YouTube videos; generate temporary emails and phone numbers; perform text-to-speech conversions; run offline language models; and much more!
Ostracod shells are used extensively in paleontology, but we know little about their evolution, especially in ancient lakes. Lake Baikal (LB) is the world’s most important stronghold of Candonidae diversity. These crustaceans radiated here rapidly (12–
But even for that, sometimes you’ll need ideas for world-building, character traits,plot twists, and summarization. For that, I recommend turning to agenerative AItool like ChatGPT, Bing’s Co-pilot, or Google’s Gemini for inspiration. It’s another way to save your time for quicker pr...
Impingement is a major source of dislocation and aseptic loosening in total hip arthroplasty (THA). We compared impingement free range of motion (ROM) using a novel computer navigated femur first approach to conventional THA. In addition, impingement bet
Oceanic tides lead to some of the largest currents of the world ocean and have important implications for oceanic circulation. In the last decade, the feedback effect of surface currents on the overlying winds has been shown to strongly regulate the ocea
(1). In this and subsequent figures, each point represents a plot and range bars indicate ± 1 standard deviation. Linear models and R2 values are indicated on the figure and compared in Table 2. Table 2. Linear regression models between D50 and σz for different patch types. Data setn...
Population genetic studies of symbiotic anthozoans have been historically challenging because their endosymbioses with dinoflagellates have impeded marker development. Genomic approaches like reduced representation sequencing alleviate marker development
The colours of plot lines denote stratification into Fast (red), intermediate (black) and Slow (blue) responder groups, plus Rh1 (green) based on cure rate; dotted line (……) indicates the mean of all animals. c The peak value attained by the CAA level in each animal, its week post...
Plot sections colored green, yellow, and blue correspond to synthesis, ejection, and post-translation simulation phases. Note that the short duration of ejection for this protein renders it invisible at this resolution. The red line corresponds to \(\left\langle {Q}_{{{\rm{mode}}}^{{{\rm...
Well, I was talking more along the lines of finding offbeat things like CIA secret prisons to free beer (ok nix that last one…it’s more in my imagination!). But thanks to the Google Maps API and innovative minds, we have a glut of mashups detailing everything on a map. Think of ...