The name “watermelon refers to the vine-like plant and its fruit. Watermelons are some of the oldest cultivated fruit in the world. The fruit goes back as far as 2000 B.C., and there is evidence of this fruit’s being grown during this period due to findings in the Nile Valley. Th...
Watermelon, which has lots of vitamin A, B6, and C and potassium. It also has lots of water to keep your dog well-hydrated. Just make sure to remove the rind and seeds. Save More on Dog Health Top Tips to Keep Your Dog Healthy and Safe ...
Passion fruitis amongthe tropical fruitwith ahard purpleor yellow outer shell, a jelly-like golden pulp, and a seed-filled interior. It is also known asLiliko’i in Hawaiian. The yellow lilikoi has brown seeds, while the purple passion fruit has black seeds. Passion fruit seeds have a tan...
I was embarrassed that I couldn’t tell you what a native bee looked like my whole life growing up in Australia. Here’s a hint, they’re not yellow and black. The colours and sizes of different bee species are endless. Just type in “native bees in {insert your country}” and check...
man; he believed that Christmas time was a time to be extra “kind, forgiving, charitable and pleasant”, a time to “open shut up hearts … and to think of” others. And he embodied that testimony. I love Scrooge’s nephew. Wouldn’t we all want to have such a one in our ...
My bet is thatCoffea libericawould do well in Florida and maybe better thanCoffea arabica. That’s what I currently have growing on my property here. It tastes great, too. I bought my first plant at a rare plant booth at a gardening show, then planted the seeds from that. Sometimes you...
Back in August writerLeslie Streeterposted this on Facebook. So my sister Lynne Streeter Childress, who like me is trying to streamline her fitness and body and whatnot, decided that she is not giving into the insecurity that makes less than svelte women think they need to wear giant T-shi...
I’ve used dried cherries and other dried fruits and it always turns out great. You don’t have to be very precise- just process it until the dough holds together. They are much more portable in ball form. Reply Nikki 26th August 2011 at 2:28 pm I make boatmeals at least twice a...
Water, soil, and air can be sources of fluoride for plants. However, since the root is the primary organ involved in the uptake of nutrients and undesirable substances by plants and fluoride contained in water reaches the soil during watering, the content of this element in the plant root ...
NFs have high surface areas, and this can provide a maximum reactivity and increase both the availability of nutrients and plant NUE (Figure 2) [48,49]. Moreover, NFs are soluble in water and can increase the dispersion of nutrients in soil and further increase their availability to plants,...