Both WhatsApp and iMessage let you share photos, videos and other media files in a conversation. But the Meta-owned messaging service has an edge: It enables you to send photos or videos that can only be viewed once, after which they self-destruct....
including colorful chats bubbles. On top of that, WhatsApp for iOS is working on a dedicated audio player that will let you listen to voice messages while doing something else in the app, like chatting with someone.
Can I still send texts to someone on my iPhone even if I Block them on WhatsApp? if i block messages from someone on whatsapp can i still send them messages [Re-Titled by Moderator] iPhone 12, iOS 16 Posted on Mar 31, 2024 4:21 AM Me too Reply Similar questions Is there a ...
However, there are times when you may find yourself unable to add someone on WhatsApp, leaving you wondering why. Let's explore some potential reasons for this issue and how you can overcome them.Why Can't I Add Someone on WhatsApp/to WhatsApp Group? Adding a Wrong WhatsApp Number ...
I'm facing the same problem. 3 days now! It's a terrible experience. Can someone help on this one? I can't even find the folder with whatsapp medias in my gallery. Votes 1 Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply 1 2 3 Resources...
😎 Automatically generated list of ordered projects I've starred over the years! You can do your own using my action linked below! - simonecorsi/awesome
Do I need to jailbreak or root my child's phone to use a spy app? No, you do not need to jailbreak or root your child's phone. All of the apps on this list can be installed without jailbreaking or rooting. Can I monitor my child's text messages without them knowing?
✅ whatspp is installed on my comp. but cant access without a phone how can I connect:whatsapp is installed on my computer but cant access as I dont have a phone how can I connect...
and my phone buzzes with a message from a client. They’re asking about a service I offer, and I think to myself, ‘Wow, I wish I could just send them an instant reply without having to type away.’ That’s when I stumbled uponWhatsApp auto reply androidfeatures. It’s like having...
Hello Recently I can't open a pdf file on WhatsApp (it tells me the file couldn't be accessed check the location or the network and try again). Please help to solve this problem. Regards TOPICS Android Views 97.1K Translate Translate Report Report Reply ...