Awesome-Selfhosted Self-hosting is the practice of hosting and managing applications on your own server(s) instead of consuming from SaaSS providers. This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own server(s). Non-Free software is listed ...
and i dont wanna walk and i dont wanna figh and i feel just like and i found myself al and i got to choose t and i grow so weary o and i had to tend to and i hate liverpool and i just do not got and i knew it complet and i know how hard y and i know i can go o ...
Note 2: The compiled .exe file may be marked by some antiviruses as a virus. Credits I have done much work by myself, but thanks tofurason stackoverflow who helped me figure out why the localStorage isn't there from the beginning. Questionhere. Releases No releases published...
✅ How can i mute all incoming messages from multiple apps SAME TIME when i play games for...:Here is idea. I have opend Telegram, Discord, Steam, - same time I want to work at project or to play a game. How i can "1 click" disable...
Since my phone is having issues with signing in, and downloading stuff I have been having to use iTunes on my computer to sync things manually to my phone and today I deleted discord on my phone for being buggy and of course, I had "Require Password" on free things, when I thought ...
Amodelmon, Grizzly and myself are guild officers at the same guild (Rauxa Galactica) and we are playing swgoh since the begginig. That issue is related with the May the Fourth update. I had this same problem on the following days, but i was lucky and could logging again. ...
So now, I have come to terms with the storm that I have faced or am facing. For this thunderstorm, I shall protect myself and loved ones. If the storm is over, I shall clean up the damage done to my life. If I can create different conditions so as to make the storm less likely...
But not today. Today, I found a new toy.DALL-E 3 inside of ChatGPTcan read and modify images. Sort of. You see, it's a bit fussy. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start this story at the beginning... Also:How to get a perfect face swap using Midjourney AI ...
Much of my life until the past number of years was focused on the pursuit of career and wealth. My safety, security and value were all tied to my career. I worked hard and I was successful. I made lots of money and bought myself whatever I desired. I had financial security. I would...
However, I don't have a whole lot of interest in implementing that myself. It'd be nice...but if the database itself can't be bothered to do this, I'm having a hard time working up motivation to devote time to it. This is exactly the reason that I opened this ticket and move...