Credit scores have the power to impact your financial well-being. They can be used to determine which car you drive, which home you buy and even whether or not you get offered the job of your dreams. Here are 5 things you need to know about your credit score. You have to use credit...
Credit scores have the power to impact your financial well-being. They can be used to deter-mine which car you drive, which home you buy and even whether or not you get offered the job of your dreams. Here are 5 things you need to know about your credit score.You have to use credit...
The author compares his actual credit score compiled by rating agencies to the scores offered by the free services. Although variations were found in the scores of the services, all were roughly equivalent to the author's actual score.Kim
While you may have questions about what’s going on, there are several reasons as to why your score may have gone down. The first thing to be aware of is that credit scores aren’t static numbers. Rather, they’re ever-changing and get updated about every month. Many factors impact whe...
Similar products and services offered by different companies will have different features and you should always read about product details before acquiring any financial product.Credit cards can help you build your credit, but also lower your score if not used responsibly. Learn how you can r...
And should the credit cards be from the same bank or different ones? Here’s what you need to know to decide for yourself. Should you have more than one credit card? For many people, the answer is yes. If your credit scores are in good enough shape to get approved for another card,...
Even if you have a perfect FICO score, excellent credit isn't always a good thing. Select digs into how missing or delaying a credit card payment could hurt more with a high score, plus how to maintain your excellent credit.
What credit cards should I have? You don't need to have any cards in your wallet and many people get by without them, but they can be useful depending on your needs.There are a number of different of credit cards types, each designed to provide a different service. Realistically you're...
Credit cards have two main types of rewards:sign-up bonusesand ongoing rewards. A sign-up bonus might give you $300cash backfor spending $3,000 in your first three months as a cardholder. Ongoing rewards might give you 2% back on every purchase, including the purchases you make to earn ...
Outstanding balances over $500, however, can still appear on your credit report for seven years, the same as any other kind of debt. The two major credit scoring companies,FICO®andVantageScore, have also changed how medical bills impact their scoring methods:VantageScoreremoved all medical deb...