Different phases of the moon explained UK's very best coastal spots Wildlife alert: Why your bird box needs attention Fluffy Pam crowned ‘Sheep of the Year' The best plants to attract garden birds What’s safe to leave out for wildlife in winter ...
If you would rather grow your own blackberries than go foraging for berries each year, using a raised garden bed can help to control its growth. 'Blackberries are a bramble, meaning they spread rapidly year on year, so growing these plants in some form of large container like a raised bed...
Wild rabbits might appreciate some fruits you leave out for them. There are no restrictions on the consumption of fruits like berries, including raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. If you want to feed the wild rabbits bananas, go ahead, but don’t give them too much all at...
Because they are warm weather crops, it is important to wait until the last frost date of the spring has passed before planting tomato seeds. In cold climates, you may want to start seeds indoors five to six weeks before the last frost, and transplant them into garden beds when the soil ...