You can carrythree passports. That's true despite the fact that the U.S. naturalization oath requires you to renounce all foreign citizenships. Each country where you already hold citizenship has the right to decide whether to accept the renunciation or let you keep your citizenship in that co...
To get started... Michael Walsh is a member of Accredited Genealogists Ireland –the accrediting body for Irish genealogy Home Research services Family Trees Irish Citizenship Contact Contact me: Michael Walsh Family Lines 16 Ashwood Meadows, ...
After the American Civil War, enslaved people were declared free, granted citizenship, and extended the right to vote through the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, respectively. However, the period after the war, Reconstruction, was decisively sabotaged by the repackaging of racial oppression through...
Dad says I did not mention it again for years. I don’t look like my Mum, Dad or younger brother. They are tanned and dark, products of generations of English agricultural labourers on both sides. I am fair skinned and blonde, like my Irish biological father. Ireland was a place I ...