You have the calorie "budget" to fit in lots of vitamins, protein, fiber, and other useful nutrients. Every pound of muscle you gain will burn an extra 10 or so calories each day—so if you gain 10 pounds of muscle over the course of a few years’ strength training, you’re burning...
If your New Year’s resolution is to get fit, gain muscle, lose excess bodyfat, but you haven’t started yet, I created a Meditation video for Muscle Building, Fat Loss & Body Positivity. This guided meditation, with videos of me and friends, exercising at the gym or at home, some ...
Hi Lee, I have followed you for a few years. I have attempted every possible avenue to improve my body and I have seen no change. I am 5’10” and weigh 140lbs. I have added calories, added weights and consumed a ton of protein. Still, no results. I have gained no muscle or ma...
Muscle Gain Potential Formula #3: Frame Size Model From my experience, I think the following formula overestimates maximum muscle potential (my guess is there may be some selection bias, which includes many champion bodybuilders), but I wanted to include it because it’s often cited and it’...
Whey comes from cow's milk during the cheese making process. Whey protein powder is a powdered form of the proteins obtained from that liquid. Whey is useful in protein powders because it contains all of the essential amino acids, a high quality protein for those seeking to gain muscle and...
after exercising, followed by a complete meal an hour and a half later, consisting of protein, healthy starchy carbs and steamed or raw vegetables. Make sure you are not training the same muscle group two days in a row. If you want your muscles to grow, you must let them rest and ...
understand that it is merely a tool to help you reach an optimal protein count for the day, and without an overall diet that gives your body more energy than it expands (puts you above maintenance), it will not be very useful if you are using it with the goal of putting on muscle. ...
Still your chart is very good for having an idea of the average individual, but I would add a 5 pounds error marge. The thing is that now bodybuilders compete so dry that they loose muscle mass without steroids. Going 4 to 6% body fat is simply destroying muscle mass without roids. ...
Finally, there’s insulin, which is used to shuttle nutrients toward fat storage or muscle gain.Both protein and carbs stimulate insulin production, meaning that even a ketogenic diet will produce enough insulin to help you build muscle. However, eating more carbs seems to do a better job of...
Green tea is rich in a particular plant-based substance (polyphenol) called acatechin. In a variety of studies it has been linked to weight loss reduction, and perhaps more importantly, body fat reduction (we don’t want any muscle going to waste!). The overall thermogenic increase isn’t...