A pretzel as a treat doesn’t offer your dog anything of nutritional value and is basically just empty calories that can disrupt the healthy balance of your dog’s diet. So, while you could feed your dog a plain, flavorless pretzel, you would be significantly better off feeding them treats...
Can I give my dog Pretzel bread? To be entirely fair, pretzels are not exactly bad for your dog. They are not the healthiest food you can feed your dog, butthey are not toxic for them. ... Pretzels are basically small pieces of bread. The problem is that they have a lot of salt...
I probably would have gone back to Magic Kingdom, but my friend was ready to call it a night. I still had the urge to ride some coasters though. If only there was a park that was open until midnight 365 days a year. Actually there are two- Fun Spot Orlando and Fun Spot Kiss...
It's hard to believe that it's been over 650 days since we last sunk our teeth into an indescribably delicious Pronto Pup at the Western Idaho Fair.
shakes hands with Christian Hunter, VP Membership for the Hunterdon County, NJ Chapter Hunterdon Harmonizers, as Christian's brother, Dan, stands by with the shaving equipment. The promise was "increase membership this year by 10 and I'll have my head shaved." They increased it by 11 guys...
My thought was "If he's not content with what he has now, he won't be content for long with what he gets." That ended up prompting another conversation with a friend of mine. If I were to win the lottery, could I remain anonymous? Can I Remain Anonymous If I Win The New York ...
ready to pull the trigger, tickets were $1,000. I love my family, but not that much. And apparently they don’t love me that much, either, because when I told them the price, they were like “well, we’ll miss you. At least I now know my parents love me a lot, but less ...
More twists than a pretzel factory. Crooked as a barrel of fish hooks. So crooked he has to unscrew his britches at night. She’s more slippery than a pocketful of pudding. He’s slicker than a boiled onion. I wouldn’t trust him any farther than I can throw him. ...