The calcium and magnesium salts do not dissolve in water; the sodium salt does. The rationale behind the extraction of alginate from the seaweed is to convert all the alginate salts to sodium salt, dissolve this in water, and remove the seaweed residue by filtration (Łabowska et al., ...
In actuality, it would be impossible for an entire planet to literally float on water. First, TrES-4 is a gaseous planet; one researcher said that it likely doesn't have any solid areas on its surface [source: Scotsman]. If TrES-4 somehow crossed paths with a less massive planet, TrES...
Does sodium bicarbonate dissolve in water? Does sodium bicarbonate react with water? Will sodium bicarbonate raise pH? Is bicarbonate of soda alkaline? Is potassium bicarbonate baking soda? Is bicarbonate an acid or a base? Does sodium bicarbonate lower pH?