You can claim a parent as a dependent without affecting their Social Security benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Just make sure your parent meets the qualifying relative tests. More to explore: Can I Claim My Boyfriend or Girlfriend as a Dependent on My Tax Return? Can You Deduc...
What Happens After Harassing Texts Are Reported to Police? HOA Gone Bad: Can Homeowner Associations Do That?! What Happens If You Miss Jury Duty? How to Report Harassing Text Messages to the Police
Most people hate doing their taxes. This means that they’re willing to pay someone to do their taxes for them. Tax preparation can be a great side business for anyone who has a background with taxes, or anyone who’s willing to take training courses. As there are annual changes to the...
I got to know my new roommates in SF. Some good days. Some bad days. I’d try multiple times a day to try to order groceries from amazon prime. The grocery store seemed dangerous. Most don’t know, but there were days where I would wake up in bed crying because I didn’t have ...
[Professor Utpal "Paul" M. Dholakia] pointed out that most online bidders claim that searching for items in online auctions consumes far too much of their time. "People consistently say that they prefer not to search because they have too many other things to do in their life. So they'...
I’m seeing taxes added to my order. Is this correct? Can I add special notes and requests to my order? I would like to consult with your company to have my shirt professionally designed. Is this possible? How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 1. Why...
It’s just that I can’t have it because the doctor said it could kill me with my terrible immune system. – IWISHI could get it. IWANTit! The scold will then leave you alone. Your unvexxed body is no longer a threat to them. Your desire cancels the bad magic; your desire is ...
I do not want to live in a country where a small, radicalized and extremist group of unelected, lifetime-appointed ‘judges’ can chose to take away rights that they don’t like because of their religious beliefs. These ‘originalists’ claim their reasoning is based on the fact that the...