You may be better off using something like, which will determine your public IP address - not necessarily your first hop router: at Uni I have a "real" IP address, whereas at home it is my local router's public IP address. You can parse the page that returns, or find ...
I've forwarded a port in my router to forward external port 8500 to internal port 21 where my vsftpd server is listening on. However, when I try to connect using ftp client, I'm seeing the following message in filezilla, "Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using serve...
The first router is in the living room. The second setup doesn't work too(pic.08setup2). Only the third setup works(pic.08setup3). I tried to change the speed and duplex. But ethtool won't let me do that. I will not be able to use all the power of the N...
so i set the ports to 1935 for both trigger & open but no change (Failed to connect to server message each time). I also tried adding 1935 in a whitelist section, but had to reset router to connect, so wont be doing that again, and can't see anything else to do ...
I have assigned an IPv6 address to the VM (the host also has one) which is routed correctly in the data centre. Most connections use IPv4, however (no DNS AAAA entry for the machine yet, still testing IPv6). When I boot up the VM it has full IPv6 connectivity. How...
is accessible from the outside via a public IP that is assigned to it. However, if you required local users to access this web server address using the same public IP address instead of its local IP address, they couldn’t because your router would need to support the NAT loopback ...
At my home, I have a local IP of and I connect to the work VPN. It assigns me an IP address of and I'm able to connect to iChat on the OS X server that has a static IP of In terminal, I try to ping the router on the work network (...
Since 192.168.1.x is in use on the server's network, the client will encrypt and send all data for these addresses over the network. Your machine has no way to determine that any given address in that range (e.g. is on your local network or across the VPN and in ...
Solved: I'm trying to set up a local VPN on my new RAX50 router, but I can't seem to connect to it. I've enabled the VPN Service from the router
Details on changes and modified files The Ubuntu PC has an IP address of on my local network. In the descriptions below, this IP address is used where ever the Ubuntu PC is referenced. I added a forwarders section to the file /etc/bind/named.conf.options in order to...