The film offers a thought-provoking look at identity, deception, and the power of nature to inspire change. Released: 1999 Directed by: Richard Attenborough 31 A Girl Like Grace Ameer Baraka, Garcelle Beauvais, Marcus Lyle Brown 99 votes This poignant coming-of-age drama follows teenager...
“Both, actually. At my age, I’m 21 and a half by the way, I thought I was too old to cry from pain. But fuckin’ hell, she opened the floodgates, alright. Just as well I was here alone, really.” “Yeah, I can see your eyes look a bit red.” “Not half as red as m...
Now I get to write features, previews, and reviews, and when I'm not doing that, you can usually find me lost in any one of the Dragon Age or Mass Effect games, tucking into another delightful indie, or drinking far too much tea for my own good. With contributions from Rollin ...
It's not just a set of tools with no content. It's also the most fully featured life-sim ever made, right out of the box," he continues. "And you can say, that's great, but here's how my canvas is going to look. I'm going to change it in all these ways that are ...
The maps are brilliant, too, and they constantly change as the bombardment of explosives and ruined vehicles scar the landscape. Overall, it's an immense package. 21. Dusk (Image credit: New Blood Interactive) Developer: New Blood Interactive Platform(s): PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4 Plenty of...
Can I change my computer's serial number? No, you cannot change your computer's serial number as it is assigned by the manufacturer during production and is unique to that specific device. What happens if someone steals my device with its serial number attached?
extent that they’re breeding people that only live 10 years…and most die before ever reaching that mark. You’ll play initially as six characters who have their fates changed when they learn the truth about their world. That they’re being manipulated, and have to try and change every...
"Through all these twists and genre turns, Ryder is our reliable guide. She deftly dances through the demand for a wry joke, a wistful smile, a worried glance," I wrote in my review. "With savage wit and sophisticated twists, Gone in the Night is a must-see, whether you treasure ...
“Okay,” I said; and began to undo my zip. “Don’t you dare!” yelled Aunt Myrtle. “But you told me to…..” “You know perfectly well that I meant that you should go and change into something less…..revealing. What’s wrong with a neat pair of flannels?” ...
Alabama Moon, directed by Austin's Tim McCanlies, harkens back to the vintage Wonderful World of Disney films I used to watch on Sunday nights. Kid in trouble, the requisite mean and inept adults, the bully with a change of heart, and a few good and kind adults to bring about a ...