To change the last commit, you can simply commitagain, using the --amend flag: $ git commit --amend -m "New and correct message" Simply put, thisoverwritesyour last commit with a new one. This also means that you're not limited to just editing the commit'smessage: you could also ...
NOM (Number Of Mixes) is a feature that will change the Overall Mix (-3dB or +3dB) each time the number of active (i.e. high value sound) inputs will double (or be divided by 2) to try to keep the Overall Mix to a reasonable value. Similarly to channels, pre-recorded high and...
cronSchedule: The default was changed to every six hours. You should change your cron schedule to run more often than every 8 hours, as the device code auth refresh token expires after 8 hours. account.password: login credentials are no longer used ...
The other funny thing in all this, is that I had actually commented out the dns key a couple of times when I started debugging this, trying to make a minimal reproducer. However that change seems to only propagate after restarting gitlab-runner and the docker daemon, so I had assumed it...
setup TeamCity Integration andunselectPushtrigger, set integration toactive setup TeamCity commit status publishing create a feature branch 'develop' and make it fail in TeamCity create a merge request What is the currentbugbehavior? If the TeamCity build has not yet started, I am able to accept...
Allow you to remotely change your printer settings But how can you access HP Connected when you’re on-the-go? Download theHP Smart app for iOSorAndroid. HP Smart allows you to remotely manage your printer settings even if you’re away from your printer. The app is your HP ePrint login...
Allow you to remotely change your printer settings But how can you access HP Connected when you’re on-the-go? Download theHP Smart app for iOSorAndroid. HP Smart allows you to remotely manage your printer settings even if you’re away from your printer. The app is your HP ePrint login...
All options have reasonable defaults so if the plug-in works after installation you don't need to change any options. These options can be configured in your vimrc script by including a line like this:let g:ycm_min_num_of_chars_for_completion = 1 ...
After all, in the world of space exploration, the contractor for a given system can change at the stroke of a politician's pen. When early explorers of the moon experienced a breakdown in their equipment, their technical manuals reportedly advised them -- should all other diagnostic techniques...
I tried reverting the branch using the "Revert" tool but the branch is now in a "Merging branch-name" state that blocks me whenever I try doing anything like pull, push, commit or change branches. When I try switching branches I am getting this message in the Event Log: ...