You should also be careful about the COLA on your FERS, says Chen. “The COLA is likely to be less than inflation. Even though your payout will grow over time, you will still be lagging behind becaus...
7% is an Annuity Payout It seems that JJ had a pension where he could either take a lump sum or a joint monthly payout for he and his wife. The joint monthly payout times 12 and divided by the cash value was just over 7%. In other words JJ would have to find someplace where he...
You should also be careful about the COLA on your FERS, says Chen. “The COLA is likely to be less than inflation. Even though your payout will grow over time, you will still be lagging behind ...
You should also be careful about the COLA on your FERS, says Chen. “The COLA is likely to be less than inflation. Even though your payout will grow over time, you will still be lagging behind because...
You should also be careful about the COLA on your FERS, says Chen. “The COLA is likely to be less than inflation. Even though your payout will grow over time, you will still be lagging behind beca...
You should also be careful about the COLA on your FERS, says Chen. “The COLA is likely to be less than inflation. Even though your payout will grow over time, you will still be lagging behind because you...