Watching CNN for the first time since the last time I was stranded in an airport… DeBlasio: “Socialism for the wealthy!” (What does that even mean?) ___ Bennet: From Johnny Cargo days, when the lips were real, but everything else was animation. ___ Inslee: “Buy before midnight ...
As a white woman who is in despair at the senseless shooting of black people by police, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this article. I have just bought the book. I live in a state that has not had this violence (to my knowledge) and vote for people who advocate for ...
For present purposes we can lump the first two into the “Globalist” camp, and the CCP by its name. It not clear yet which is the top dog. I suspect that each believe that they are, or will be. The Globalists likely believe that they can “work with” the CCP, ...
For those who can’t read the image: Okay so here it goes…My name is Lani Sarem. You may have heard of me. I wrote a book called Handbook for Mortals. It premiered #1 on the New York Times Bestseller list and then I subsequently became the only person (and the book became the ...