In this post I have elaborately explained how to build simple transformerless LED bulb circuits using many LEDs in series and powering them through current controlled capacitive power supply circuit. Warning: Circuits I have explained below are not isolated from mains AC, and therefore are extremely ...
despite the control for social hindrance stressors. This should result in stronger positive relationships with employee well-being due to statistical suppression (cf. Boswell et al.,2004). The rationale behind this suppressor effect is that social challenge and hindrance stressors ...
I have been diagnosed with having the antibodies for H.Pylori based on a blood test. My Functional Dr says that he has a tea that is very effective in treating it and my Dr. recommends the antibiotics and acid suppressor. What is your opinion in which is more effective to treat H.Pylor...
Tumor tissues will receive genotype analysis to examine from driver mutations in oncogenes and/or examine for loss of tumor suppressor genes that represent different subtypes of tumors based on genotypes. Modular domain binding patterns, for example SH2 domains that recognize phosphotyrosine, can ...
During this type of fastblack coffee is allowed and is recommended! It contains zero calories, so there is no need to worry about breaking the fast. It is also an appetite suppressor so not only can you drink your favorite beverage, it will help you maintain your fast!
Chelation:While I don’t generally recommend chelation as a starting point for most people with Hashimoto’s (it can make things worse if the gut and liver are not properly supported first), the chelating agents EDTA, DMSA and DMPS can help remove nickel buildup from the body, as well as...
I didn't cry until page 123 of Lisa Genova's terrific new novel Inside the O'Briens. That's when 44-year-old Boston police officer Joe O'Brien tells his four young adult offspring that his "weird temper"; his frequent toe-tapping, shoulder-shifting, and