What's more, employers should be wary of any request to be paid in cash or off the books. Employers can get in hot water for failing to withhold payroll taxes, and they could also be on the hook for other penalties if the employee files a complaint saying they weren't properly compensa...
He said: "we are all online pactions, you can visit our online store to buy Alipay, then I can give you a sick leave." When the reporter visited the website of his shop, he found that his shop selling the sick leave business was not bad, but only sold more than a dozen in the...
“I need to train myself more. I sense that the coming battles will be worse than anything we’ve faced before and I’ll be ready for them” She moved to leave the room before turning to the duo. “I’ll be back to check on her” ...
I never thought I’d see the day. I guess people are waking up. Btw, do you know in the end times whether there will be a Christian nation/s who will withstand the anti-Christ? Like Russia, maybe? I ask because I was reading Revelation and it talked about Babylon the Great being ...
s not very common and they’ve forgotten all the ins and outs. This is why some statute is created as it rolls it all up in one place. While anyone can bring a case it’s not like the US where any case is heard just because. If someone is trying it on it can be dismissed as...
largely due to my ever growing tbr pile and unfortunate tendency to get put off whatever my next read is if I decide on it too far in advance. Nevertheless, if I’ve heard good reviews about a book and I really like the concept, I’d try to avoid the film until I got chance to ...
When I’ve been depressed, getting through the day has been the biggest challenge I could handle. I usually started out with a belief that things would likely not go so well during the day ahead. After all, today was going to be a follow-up to yesterday, and that couldn’t have been...
The road back to reality will be long for climate activists “You and your friends will die of old age and I’m going to die from climate change. You and your friends let this happen, which is going to cut 40 years off my life expectancy.” — Part of a tirade by “Za...