An introverted person can play the part of an extroverted person but it will take a strong desire and hard work to do so. Also it will be a total facade and will not be permanent. I’m introverted and have learned to switch gears to act much more assertively at work when I need to...
According to a report by The Sutton Trust, extroverted workers are 25% more likely to be in a high-earning job. What does that mean for introverts and how do they succeed as leaders in healthcare, where many roles are considered comfort zones for introverts? The ...
As an introverted actor, I’m self-sufficient. I know a lot of extroverted actors who need to say their lines with other people in order to learn them. While that can be helpful, I don’t need anyone to help me learn my characters; in fact, I learn best when I’m alone with no ...
Socializing is important, but it should not be mandatory to the point that we feel ashamed by not going to a social event once in a while. Not going doesn’t make you less of an artist,it just means you’re wired differently. So instead of saying, “Oh my God, I can’t wait for...
we'll push out of our shell or back into it— but only for a short time. If we act out of character for too long, we risk serious burnout. (Little himself, a college lecturer and introvert who tried to push himself to be extroverted for his students,ended up with double pneumonia.)...
What to do if you're an introvert and your partner is an extrovert? Or vice versa? We asked therapists how to navigate introvert-extrovert relationships.
Can you be both an extrovert and an introvert? Why is it that some of us feel so much more extroverted when we travel than when we're at home? I set to find out.
This article makes it sound as if being an extrovert is better than being an introvert. Ms. Reddy says that acting extroverted — throwing yourself out there, being the life of the party and feeding off other people’s energies — will make introverts happier. Here’s the thing, though —...
I’m grateful for the personal skills my extroverted colleagues taught me, like the importance of sharing more of myself. And though I may not be the life of networking events or parties,I no longer dread them. Adding these five traditional introvert personal skills to your resume can help ...
Extroverted parents can inadvertently make life very difficult for their introverted children. We are all unique – we are born with a specific type of emotional character that may be extrovert or introvert. Introverted children are not just ‘shy’ as uninformed parents often claim, (they do no...